Fr. John Cusick and Rick Kogan
In a conversation format Rick Kogan will chat with Fr. Cusick about the issues he raises in his recently released book, “Never Be Ordinary – Wisdom from My Father.”
We all have had many suggestions, thoughts, ideas, and pieces of wisdom spoken to us throughout our lives. Some of those have found a home in our brain and memory. And some of those have become the fundamental principles on which we continue to lead our lives.
Also, many of us are now parents and grandparents. Now we are the dispensers of our wisdom to one, if not two generations, following us in life.
Fr. John Cusick is known for his down-to-earth-style of speaking along with his common sense approach to life. He attributes much of that learning to a man named George Cusick.
“Never Be Ordinary – Wisdom from My Father” will be available before and after this delightful First Friday Club event. With Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day approaching this might be a special gift for moms, dads and the generations following them.
Mr. Rick Kogan is a revered journalist at The Chicago Tribune and a radio personality on WGN radio where he hosts his weekly show from 9pm-11pm on Sunday nights. He has authored a number of books and has interviewed hundreds, if not thousands of people, during his career.
Fr. John Cusick has been the Chaplain to the First Friday Club since its inception in 1986. Ordained a Catholic Priest in 1970 he has been a parish priest at Mary Seat of Wisdom in Park Ridge, a teacher and residence hall director at Niles College of Loyola University, and for over 30 years the director of the Archdiocesan Young Adult Ministry Office. He resided at Old St. Patrick’s Church until his retirement in 2014. He continues to preside there on a monthly basis.